Kaiut Method Yoga
Kaiut Method Yoga
Thursdays 5:15 - 6:15pm
Saturdays 10:00 - 11:00am
@ Sundari Yoga & Wellness Studio
1105 South US-191 #3
Moab, UT 84532
* all props are provided, just bring yourself!
For all first timers, when you buy your first class your second one is free! Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to get familiarized.
Kaiut Method Yoga:
Single Class: $25.00
5-Class Pack: $110.00
12 pack + 30 min assessment: $250
Moab local First Responders, SAR members, mental health and nursing professionals receive a 15% discount Mention this to Adrienne and she’ll apply the discount for you!
The Kaiut Method is a biomechanical yoga practice that serves the modern body and modern mind.
The Kaiut Method (pronounced kai-YOOT) is focused on returning the body to optimal structure and functionality by working from the joints rather than stretching muscles in extraordinary ways. This method is designed to work through chronic pain and injuries, general aches and stiffness. It helps those who sit all day, as well as those who engage in active movements such as biking, running, climbing, paddling, and dancing. It keeps us healthy, functionally mobile, and pain free for as long as possible.
“We’ve been doing yoga under the powerful influence of the fitness field. And this is something we want to erase from our practices. The more we practice, the more we must understand that yoga is absolutely something else. It is you, using your body in alignment with nature, and therefore having a neurological consequence in your brain. Giving to your body a better mind, and giving to your mind a better body.” - Francisco Kaiut
The approach for the Method’s classes utilizes our body’s natural system of levers via the joints and the stimulation that is activated in our nervous system to deliver an integrative, and highly therapeutic practice, serving all types of bodies. Each class is created to increase freedom of movement and integration between mind and body, improving muscle tone, circulation, lymphatic flow, reducing stress and anxiety, to generate positive, sustainable results for your entire system.
The Kaiut yoga method is a floor-based practice that utilizes gravity to unwind chronic restrictions in the joints. This practice is most easily comparable to Yin yoga in the sense that it involves long-held shapes and works with the joints. However, there are vast differences between these two styles of yoga. In Kaiut Yoga, we hold poses and utilize finely-directed micro-engagements to release adhesions in the connective tissue, which both strengthens and opens the joints.
Too often yoga in our western culture is focused on athletic poses and aesthetic shapes. With the Kaiut Method, I help each one of my students find the proper functionality within each pose that works physiologically and emotionally for their system. You’ll be surprised to see how each class is handcrafted on the spot for every single student in the room.
The Kaiut Method of yoga is indeed for anyone and everyone. There’s no age limit or prior experience required to participate. This method is much more than just physical work for the body. It is a practice designed to work from the joints using simple positions and gravity intelligently to create a profound and noticeable interaction within the nervous system. The Kaiut Method teaches practitioners how to gain more joint mobility, create better neurological connections throughout their system, and access their full human potential.
*A love note to the word “modification”: While I appreciate you in theory, to me to modify means less than, restricted, not the whole thing in its intended form. I don’t use modifications. I don’t have an ideal shape in mind, and if you can’t make that shape than we modify…. I start you in a shape from its very foundational form, and keep offering add-ons. You keep adding on as your body and experience dictates. No one is left behind, one one does less than. Everyone does what’s perfect for them.
You may experience spontaneous meditation during class as each shape has a well-defined function, all of which serve as a powerful anchor for the meditative state. With safety, these joint stimuli promote a neurological reconnection between brain and body, awakening nervous system pathways that have been lost due to injuries and traumas, returning the body to lost mobility.
This Method, created and perfected for more than 30 years by Brazil based Francisco Kaiut, considers everything modern neuroscience and quantum physics have taught us in the last centuries in the context of classic yoga literature, and thus rethinks yoga to create a practice that works for the modern human.
Some benefits you might experience from this practice:
Unblocking joints
Nervous system regulation
Decrease in anxiety and stress.
Relief from chronic pain
Recovering mobility
Increased longevity
Balance between body and mind
Improved sleep quality
Come try a class and experience the magic of the method. For all first timers, when you buy your first class your second one is free!
Single Class: $25.00
5 pack - $110.00 (3 month expiration)
12 pack + 30 min assessment - $250.00 (3 month expiration)
Moab local First Responders, SAR members, mental health and nursing professionals receive a 15% discount