About Me
Whenever I'm asked to talk about what I do, I prefer to start talking about my 'why', that invisible force that guides all my motivations and actions. I inherently seek ways to nurture transparent relationships. I thrive on building relationships of substance, dependability, openness and passion. I become lit-up and vibrant when I can help change things that aren't working... And making those changes in community or relationship feels nourishing, deeply engaging and just makes me want to dance! So making it my life's work to intentionally put myself in these situations seems like I've hit the jackpot.
Being a massage therapist since 2008 has taught me how to be fully present with each person, exactly as they are, accepting and honoring their current expression of life while helping them to release old habits that keep them locked in a place of want... want for less pain, want for less struggle or more freedom, more expansiveness, and ease. This releasing typically comes in the form of new knowledge as when our awareness is opened to a wider or deeper picture suddenly there's more room for growth and ah-ha's. When these moments happen, I just gotta wag my tail, it's so fun!!
Since March of 2006, being a business owner has been my job, but I've never really felt like what I do is "work." I still can't believe that every day I wake up and get to help people, take care of them, and be a partner in their health, healing and living a life that feels balanced, inspired and awesome. How great is that!?!? In addition to Innate Wisdom, I currently own and operate a coaching business for busy entrepreneurs called Health Not Hustle, and Holistic Financial, a holistic bookkeeping and financial management practice. Prior to this, I owned and operated Sweet Fern Studio, Quintessence, Massage & Wellness (from which Sweet Fern was born from), and before that, Phoenix Fitness of Ithaca. I don't know if you want to go through my history all the way back to the lemonade stand at the end of my driveway, but I think you get the picture :) Me likey my business(es). It just feels right.
After trying a few different 'traditional' paths of schooling and employment (which you can ask me about when we talk!), I decided to take a huge risk, quit everything, and go to massage school. It was the best decision I. have. EVER. made! I found my true self in massage school, and now get to share the gift of massage and an authentic me with the world every day. Plus the REALLY cool thing? For 4 years I was also an instructor at my alma mater, The Finger Lakes School of Massage, teaching my craft as well as the beauty of Business to sparkly eyed massage students! Business runs in my blood, so being able to guide newbie therapists to self employment was a natural fit.
Through the course of my massage life I have developed a tremendous interest in nutrition and natural remedies to support myself and my clients to improved health. This led me to attend The Heartstone Herbal School for a 6 month apprenticeship program. It is as a result of this deepened training in the body and in plant medicine that I now integrate this healing knowledge into my work with beautiful results! Engaging people with the green world of helpful plants is so rewarding, empowering and way less expensive than the current traditional model. This has also helped to deepen my relationship with nature and honoring the organic rhythms and energies of mama earth, and lunar cycles. When I began to more align with these energies, life just flowed better.
For the coaching side of my life, I have completed training through the top ranked and longest running Co-Active Training Institute in their core curriculum, and have also completed their rigorous Leadership certification training and year long immersion. In addition, I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. I am always engaged with some kind of continuing education due to my severe love of learning. The woo-side of my learning goes wide and deep in areas such as the Akashic Records, Bengston Method, Quantum Human Design, Astrology, Energy Medicine, Remote Healing, and even healing with symbols.
The Kaiut Yoga Method has been a part of my life since a cross-country trip I took back in 2019. Having spent 6 weeks living in our adventure van (aka Jean Claude Tan Van), and driving everywhere, my body was beat up. I landed in Durango, CO with 24 hours to burn when I stumbled across a form of Yoga I had never heard of. I tried my first class and afterward felt just like I do after getting a great massage - limber, centered, pain free, euphoric. I stayed in a hotel that night, my first in 6 weeks, and when I woke up from a delicious night sleep (which is rare for me) I looked in the mirror and noticed my posture was better, the pain in my ankle from driving was gone, and duh, I slept great! It was unlike any other yoga class I’ve tried over the last 20 years. I snuck one more class in before I left town and thus began my immersion into The Method. I took the online teacher training when the world shut down in 2021 and am thrilled to be (currently) the only Kaiut Yoga teacher in all of Utah. Thanks to The Method, my budget for chiropractic visits and massage has been dramatically reduced - I just don’t need it as much. Plus this approach gives not only my body but my mental health what I need to feel like a good human.
Having relocated from the countryside of New York to the red rock desert of Moab, Utah I have fully embraced not only my love of learning and business, but the fact that I can never pick “just one thing” and do it. I want it all. So now I get to play in the areas of entrepreneurship, coaching, health & nutrition, massage therapy, intuitive healing work, yoga, and financial management all at the same time. It’s wonderfully engaging and keeps me inspired. I hope to share any and all of it with you, if you let me.