Akashic Records Consultations
Akashic Records Consultation:
90 Minute Session: $135
30 Minute Follow-Up Session: $50
*Moab First Responders, SAR members, and mental health professionals receive 15% off all services.
The Book of your soul, made accessible.
Your soul is perfect. Your humanness is what’s evolving to meet that perfection. It’s bound to be bumpy while you figure out the map, the terrain, your path within the landscape. This can take many lifetimes to learn all the ways to meet your souls divine blueprint. So what are you meant to be learning in this one?
Working with the Akashic Records can help smooth out some of those bumps, help turn on your overhead light so you can read the map better.
You may have had the experience of repeating patterns in your life - whether it be financially, within your relationships, with your health, and you KNOW it’s not serving your current earthly goals, or the methods you’ve been using to overcome these just aren’t working. The Akashic Records can help.
So what are the Akashic Records? Well, consider that every. single. thing. that has been thought, done, felt, seen, created, experienced ever since the creation of our planet has been documented in the ether - like the internet for all of Creation. The Cosmic Cloud. This includes your soul and its journey through the past, present and all future possibilities and probabilities. Is your head exploding yet? Yeah, mine did too. Now consider that you have the ability to “Google” these records, download from the Cosmic Cloud anything pertaining to your soul that will help you in this life. Way cool and empowering, yeah? Yeah! Imagine gaining insight on why you’re always falling for unavailable people in your life, or clearing any patterns that aren’t serving your evolution when it comes to money, or healing deep wounds or experiences that still feel unresolved that get in the way of a fully expressed life. That’s some real goodness right there.
Ok, I can feel you’re kinda into this idea - read on!
How does this Work?
An Akashic Record reading-consultation brings you into deeper connection and alignment with your Soul-Level Truth. The Akashic Field is a profound energy field of unconditional love and freedom from judgment. Those same energies are present in your Akashic Record reading. All of your questions are welcome. The information you receive in your reading will always presented in a safe, loving, positive, supportive, solution-oriented manner. Lower-level beings that are not serving of your highest good or support are not welcomed into this work, and as such, will never be present. Have no fear that something negative, dark or scary will be part of your experience. Though, if those energies are having their way with you in this lifetime, we can clear them, set them (and you) free during the session.
Buckle up, here’s where things get a bit “woo-ish” + math.
The Akashic Records are held in a dimension of consciousness. The world we currently experience is a dimension of consciousness, it’s what we can see, feel, relate to, etc. There are quite a few dimensions of consciousness, and without totally confusing you, think back to algebra (sorry!) and just remember the x, y and z axis. Those are dimensions. One goes horizontal, one goes vertical, the other diagonal. The dimension where the Akashic Records reside is no different than that, it’s simply another orientation of where something lives. Ok, enough of that.
To access this dimension of consciousness (technically the 11th one, the 5th is where your highest self lives), we use the energetic vibration of words to elevate our current available perception and senses. This is known as a sacred prayer. I’m not all into the God and Jesus talk*, so stick with me a little longer. This prayer is recited a few times and like a very subtle magic, the information available to my senses is heightened . This is a similar process that historically was only available to spiritually “chosen” ones like shamans, priests, rabbis, etc. - those who were deemed responsible to handle the information of the divine and relay it to the commoners. At this stage of our humanity’s spiritual evolution, the “responsible” people have widened to people just like you and me. Those who are led to this work, who are called to study and practice it have ethical and spiritual integrity can access this information and deliver it in a way that is personalized, tailored to your life lessons and obstacles, designed to serve your highest good.
What it IS.
Time to bask in the healing energy of this higher vibrational field, which gives us a glimpse of you at a soul level, bringing a sense of peace and complete, unconditional love.
A chance to ask questions about your life and receive clear direction and guidance, offered with unlimited compassion and support from your personal guides.
A safe space to lean into challenges, helping you see and release old pattens, spur personal growth and initiate practical, positive changes in your day to day life.
What it ISN’T.
A psychic reading. Though profound understanding and clarity often come with this modality, it is not meant to be predictive. This work relies on free-will, so while many possibilities exist for your in your future, you get to “choose your own adventure” and the learn the lessons that go along with that choice.
Mediumship. Your unique group of guides (known in the Records as your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones), do include people (or souls such as pets) that you’ve known in this lifetime who’ve passed. They may or may not make themselves known. However, you should not expect direct messages from any specific person as this is not the nature or intent of this work. The Record Keepers want you to be dependent within yourself, not relying on “outside” advice. So while Grammy may be make herself known in your reading, it’s more from a place of “I got you. Trust this. Trust yourself.” rather than “I knew you stole those cookies when you were 7.”
A “prove it” kind of reading. The more you lean in and fully participate, the more guidance and information you will receive. If you come into our time together to test whether this does or doesn’t work / is or isn’t real, you won’t get as much out of it. This work is designed to help you in your self-growth, so you’ll get as much to help you with that journey as you are interested in actually growing.
A replacement for medical or financial advice.
90 Minute Session: $135
This is an hour-long Akashic Record Consultation. The 90 minutes includes a pre-reading chakra balancing and energetic opening so you are more fully able to receive the healing and wisdom of the Akasha + the hour-long consultation in the Records + a post-reading debrief and integration period.
30 Minute Follow-Up Session: $50
If we've already worked together on a particular subject and you'd love a little "touch-up" clarity on it, then this 30 minute session is perfect. This type of session is also great for remote healing - those times when it's more powerful for me to do the work on your behalf without needing your presence in person or on the phone. Situations like this might be for healing/clearing houses or spaces within buildings, or helping to do some healing/clearing work for little ones who might be struggling with something.
All sessions are done over the phone and the call will be rich with insight, ah-ha's, healing and information. To be the most clear channel for this work, I need to be fully ready for you at the time of session, so it's important that I contact you. Please be ready and in a place you can be fully present and receptive, with no distractions or interruptions. You'll be grateful for the space. If you would like this session recorded and emailed to you, please let me know when we get on the call, otherwise some note taking materials is often nice to have on hand.
*Moab First Responders, SAR members, and mental health professionals receive 15% off all services.
How to make the most of a session:
You can ask about anything! Questions and topics that feel the most “alive” or pressing to you at the time of the reading are best.
Questions that begin with Who, What, Why and How bring about the richest, most thorough answers. When questions are tricky, since time doesn’t work the same in the 11th dimension and so many earthly factors are at play around the timing of things which translates to lack of accuracy.
This work is meant to provide you with a full picture and higher, soul level perspective. Since this is not meant to be a fortune-telling modality, questions that expect a direct, predictive answer don’t work as well. Yes/no questions are also usually met with silence from The Record Keepers or you’ll get way more information than perhaps you intended.
Questions about others will be answered within the context of your relationship with her/him/them.
If you are not sure how to word your question, or even what the question is exactly, don’t worry! As you describe the circumstances around the situation you want to look at, I will be able to ask your guides in a way that will give you clear, thorough answers. I’ve also included a downloadable list of questions, subjects and topics to help jumpstart your thinking.
If you are feeling blocked creatively, on a book, project or other endeavor, using the Light, Truth, and Wisdom of the Akashic Records may be the perfect way to get you back into the flow.
*A Love Note About Language:
Much of the lineage of the language of the Akashics is born from a language that is already familiar, accessible, common. Though, as our humanity evolves, so must our language. To put it bluntly, there’s a lot of references to God. This used to be a word that connected to sweet, sacred places within my spirituality, however that is no longer the case. So in the event you are like me, I offer up the following list of alternate words that may resonate better with you. I’d hate for you to miss out on the richness of this work because we got tripped up on language rather than meaning and intention. Here are some to choose from, or feel free to bring your own. Before our session begins, I’ll check in about what wording works best for you. I carry no judgement or preference when consulting for others.
Ultimate Creator
The Creator
The One
Universal Life Force
Universal Life Force Energy
Supreme Being
Ultimate Spirit
Great Spirit
The Divine
Infinite Spirit
The Big Man Upstairs
The Queen on High
The Universe
Are you in to this?
Download your free 12-page booklet of Sample Questions, Subjects and Topics