We are made to heal, to grow. Made to engage with our potential and learn what we are capable of.
Connect with the healing potential that lives within you
This is the capacity of our human nature. And it’s been inside you all along.
Here, all my services support tapping into and unleashing YOUR own innate wisdom. There is no wrong way to do this. You are here, you are not alone, and that’s what matters.
Here’s what I believe:
That everything you need to be who you know you can be or who you once were already exists within you. This means the sparkly eyed you from long ago, the pain free version, the most lit-up and enlivened you. Like the future oak tree inside the acorn, all the blueprints are inside.
Sometimes your magic has been forgotten about in dusty corner, covered over by someone else’s costumes you’ve tried on or been forced to wear. For many of us, exhaustion, confusion, the blah’s - they overwhelm our ability to feel whole again, they wear us down leaving us with no energy or purpose. Sometimes all it takes is just the right spark to be (re)ignited. No life overhaul required.
Your body is one really great doorway in. It’s smarter and faster than your brain (really, science proves it!). It’s constantly communicating to us but we either haven’t been taught how to listen, have forgotten, or are moving too quickly to tap in to its intelligence. Slowing down is powerful medicine.
Meeting our discomfort, and being tender with it, helps it to release. Forcing something when it’s not ready never will. Having a mindful entry into the body and the soul creates even more of a welcome invitation for clarity, integration, and transformation.
Connecting with the thing that is greater than each of us, The Spirit, the “all knowing and powerful Oz,” can give us an even greater wealth of love, support and guidance - but it requires our Soul, our individual slice of Spirit, to become present and plug-in. And no, you don’t have to be a breathy Australian guided meditation guru to access this. It can look like a quiet hot tub soak under the stars, or the sweet kiss on a child’s sleepy head, 5 minutes snuggling a warm animal, or a bike ride in nature - probably something you are already doing that you love but want more of. Spirit lives in the things you love.
Life is meant to feel good. There is no one way, or right way to feel and because of that, in here everything is intentionally customized to you. So you can feel good.
Welcome to Innate Wisdom. Choose your adventure: